Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Pollution Taxes

     Our government should increase the pollution tax on gasoline. Increasing the pollution tax on gasoline will ultimately lead to benefits received by those paying the taxes. The earth will be cleaner because fewer people will be using gasoline and emitting carbon. "With higher taxes, firms will reduce pollution and lock for alternatives which have a lower environmental impact. For example, it will make solar power even more competitive than traditional fossil fuels" (Tejvan Pettinger,, 2017).
     Our government should not increase the pollution tax on gasoline. Not all people that afford cars can afford the increase in tax. Many people use their cars to transport their children to school, themselves to work, or visiting family. People should not be financially punished for doing these things. "Those that already struggle to afford a car will almost certainly be forced to find other means of transportation if gasoline tax increases " (Matthew Collins,, 2018).
     I do not believe the pollution tax on gasoline should be increased. The government is receiving increased benefits, but many taxpayers suddenly need to sell their cars in order to be able to afford transportation. Not only will gasoline prices go up, but bus prices will, Uber, and other transportation services will be forced to increase their prices as well. In my opinion, the gasoline price is fine where it is. I do not support an increase in the pollution tax on gasoline.

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