Thursday, May 2, 2019

             The automotive business is something that has been increasing rapidly throughout the last century. Since the creation of the car the world's prices on some natural resources and things such as gasoline have been going up. "funding some of the costs of the Administration's $1.5 trillion Infrastructure plan"(, David Blackman, 2018). The plan for the trump administration is to increase the creation of a stronger infrastructure of the American Roadways around the United States. The rise in the gas tax would contribute to the growth in better roadways as well as bridges which are currently faulting and most are too broken to be repaired yet they are still allowed to be driven across. 

Though most roadways are lacking repairs and the government is unable to provide proper funding in the 2019 budget in order to repair roadways, it shouldn't be put onto the people of America to be forced to pay outrageous gas taxes. This can hurt most normal mid to low class drivers and would cause a troubling fact that would be added to the already failing budgets that they are forced to deal with. "It’s estimated that a 1 percent increase in gas prices takes $1 billion out of consumers’ pockets. That’s $1 billion dollars that could be spent on eating out, clothes, and leisure activities"(, Boone, 2018). This would just make poverty rates increase and hurt the economy. 

The gas taxes shouldn't be raised for the simple fact that most people around the country to rely on the ability to get to work and other places to earn money and support their families through the use of a car. Taking the poverty-ridden families abilities to get to work and provide for their family since the gas taxes would be too high to be able to be paid would break families and people. All this would do is just increase the amount of poverty in our country today. If anything the gas price should be lower to compensate for lower income families.

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