Monday, April 22, 2019

Cheating in school

Pro harsher punishment
Schools need to crack down more on punishment because those students that are cheating on tests will just find a different way to cheat and not get caught.  No lessons are learned from actions in place right now.  Schools should be able or start enforcing more strict rules of getting dropped from the classes they cheat on. says that students should not be given any opportunities to cheat on a test  by taking away all technology and going simply as pencil paper.  If any cheating is caught you're immediately called out and sent to the office with lasting punishment.

Cons to harsher punishment
The very big downside is that lots of people cheat on test for many different reasons.  Some people can do it for only half a second where others do it for the whole test.  Most people would not like to get punished because that stays on record and could hurt them later on in life. A cheater's report from U of I says that " I was left degreeless and stuck working at low paying jobs the rest of my life.  Just because I was caught looking up one work on my test where I knew at least half the class was cheating on all of it." This case shows that punishment is a way to hard and can affect persons well being later on in life.

My opinion
I believe that harsh punishment should be harsher because people who cheat do not deserve that spot in life.  The people who work hard day on day out deserve these good jobs and stability.  I feel no remorse towards cheaters as they are practicing scummy habits.  Automatic expulsion should be in effect as you cannot trust these individuals to not do it again.  My views seem harsh but I hate to see cheaters flurish and do better than I when I do not cheat.  A person needs strong morals to truly grow into adulthood.

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