Monday, April 22, 2019

Cheating in School Alex Springer

Schools should have harsher punishments in school for cheating. Lots of students cheat whether its to get ahead or if it's so they don't have to study, either way, it happens all the time and people always get away with it. If there was a harsher punishment than not as many students would cheat. According to, 80 to 85 percent of students have admitted to cheating. This is a huge deal, this undermines those who study and work hard to come out ahead. Depending on how much someone cheats a possible punishment should be being expelled. Cheating is a very big deal and should be dealt with in a more serious manner.

Schools should not have harsher punishments in school for cheating. Cheating is usually done only 1 time and should not ruin someone's life just because they made a bad choice. According to, the students who cheat are the ones who are struggling in the class. Students that cheat generally don't understand the material and because of this, they cheat. What needs to be done is more 1 on 1 time with the teacher. If the teacher helps the student in an individual setting than maybe they could learn the material in a more significant way that would prevent cheating in the long run.

In my opinion, I don't think cheating is a huge deal. I don't know anyone who cheats at Bettendorf High School, and even though I'm sure people do I don't think that harsher punishment is necessary than just a 0 on the test of homework they cheated on. If someone did cheat I would inform my teacher that they did and also recommend the student to spend more 1 on 1 time with the teacher. Cheating is probably a bigger deal in schools with a worse education system, so we are lucky.

1 comment:

  1. I disagree as cheating only leads to more bad habits in life. Does not matter what school you are in, how can you learn when you cheat on test. You only teach yourself bad habits that will stick with you forever.


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